• Rules

    Réglement  English Rules here



    We inform all the students that the success of this challenge well on its good atmosphere and the motivation of the competitors. That’s why fair-play and cooperation seem necessary.


    Here are the rules that we established about this challenge:


    1.    The Team




    Schools can bring 1 or 2 canoes and teams

    Competitors must be from the school

    Canoe must be built throughout the scholar year and by the students eventually helped by their teacher

    Help from supplier scan be ask

    Oarsmen must also be from the school


    2.    The Canoe

                                    I.            Dimensions


    The size of the canoe has to be between 3 to 6 meters

    The width can go up to 1 meter as a maximum

    The distance between the top and the waterline will be enough to permit the buoyancy during the race

    No floating organs will be allowed up to the canoe

    The global shape of the craft will look like a standard canoe (monohull, no keel, no mast and no motor)



                                 II.            Materials


    Canoe must be made of concrete

    Proportion of non-concrete elements must not exceed 5% of the total weigh


                               III.            Buoyancy


    Canoe on water must bear the weight of at least 120 kilogramms

    The crew during the race will be composed of at least two people

    Float can be installed : they must not contribute to the canoe’s rigidity, they will be taken off for the try and the weighing, they will be inside the canoe


                               IV.            Repairs


    Repair the day of the competition is allowed if the concrete is made the same day

    Crew will be responsible of his canoe during the competition: fishing out a canoe will be expense of the team


                                  V.            Launch


    Canoe will be put in the water by human’s strength


                               VI.            Construction report


    A construction report will be given before the competition, it will explain at least :

    Performance and functional requirements

    Plan of fabrication

    Shape of the mould

    Building method

    The construction

    Building process

    Materials and equipment used

    Composition of the concrete used


    Team have to bring a sample of the concrete used for their canoe




    3.    Advertisement


    Team are allowed to paint or put advertisement on their canoe. This one must not helped to the rigidity or buoyancy of the canoe

    Sponsor’s logos are allowed only on the canoe and the clothes of the team



    4.    Participation and Victory


                                    I.            Participation fees :


    The amount of participation’s fees is not definitive

    The journey of your team and canoe will be in your budget

    If you need special accommodation, please let us know

                                 II.            Races


    The event will be made up of 4 parts : two races (slalom, sprint), analysis of the construction report and design.

    Depending on the number of school, these races could be divided into rounds


                               III.            Final ranking


    A jury composed of professionals, students and organizers will named the winner

    The atmosphere of this special challenge will be fair-play, organizers have the right to disqualify a crew if a condition is not respected


    These rules have been written by the team “Challenge Concrete Canoe” of LÉcole des mines de Douai. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:



    Alban PILARD, Chief of the Challenge Concrete Canoe 2012

    Student of l’École des mines de Douai,

    È: +33 (0) 7 86 10 87 05

    + : alban.pilard@minesdedouai.fr